Thursday, December 8, 2011

Can we catch a break?

Yesterday morning, I woke up not feeling the greatest. I just chalked it up to me still adjusting to these new hours, not really eating the greatest dinners the last few nights, and just being overly tired from Alli not feeling great over the weekend. Once I got to work, I continued to feel just "not quite right", had the chills, and eventually, a co-worker took my temperature and it was 101.6. They told me to go home and get better. So, off I went. I called the OB office, just to let them know my symptoms... achy, chills, fever, exhausted, and told them my situation of the new job, Alli being sick, etc. They told me they thought I was probably just overly exhausted, as pregnancy can take a lot out of you as well, and to go home, take some Tylenol, drink plenty of fluids and rest. I slept on and off all day yesterday... thank God for my wonderful husband who picked up Alli from daycare, took care of her all afternoon, and me, as he ran to the grocery, got the essentials for a sick wife (Gatorade, Sprite, grilled cheese & tomato soup!), and proceeded to give Alli a bath and put her to bed. To say I'm thankful and grateful for him would be an understatement.

Today, I woke up with a lot more energy, although now with a sore throat. I took the day off to re-coup, and hope that I'm ready to go back in tomorrow to finish out the week. I'm hoping I'm through the worst of it, and we have our appointment today with the OB so we can talk about everything then. We also have our anatomy ultrasound this afternoon, which Eric and I are so excited for. We can't wait to see our little baby M!

Now let's hope for some good vibes and no more sickness for this house!!

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