Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy 2nd Halloweenie!

What a difference a year makes... last year, our Halloween was celebrated by us passing out candy to our few trick-or-treaters that venture down our dark cul-de-sac, while still very much learning what to do with our 4 day old infant.

This year, we packed up her new wagon (birthday present from us!) and ventured out into the neighborhood. Wow, there were a lot of kids trick or treating in the neighborhood! We had no idea, seeing that the 3 years we've lived here, we barely get any coming to our house. We realized it must be beacause our cul-de-sac is kind of out of the way, and there are so many great houses right around the pool area, it's like jackpot central for kids wanting candy. We visited a few friends, then ventured over to Nelliefield, the neighborhood next to ours, to see some of Dad-E's friends from work too. All in all, she did great... was really getting good at digging in and getting the good stuff (for us), haha, and even at one house, she had some candy from the house before and instead of taking some, she put the candy she had in her hand in the next neighbors bowl when they opened the door. The woman laughed and laughed, Dad-E said she's the best trick or treater ever, giving candy instead of taking it! She even said her "tank tu" a few times, which made us so proud. What a cute little Kangaroo our Ru made... and a perfect costume for her.

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