Saturday, April 27, 2013

12 Month Stats

Aiden went for his one year check up last week, and unfortnuately, we found out he was having the start of an ear infection! Thankfully, we caught it right before it was even symptomatic and got started on our 10 day regimen of antibiotics that evening. We weren't able to get any of his one year shots though, so we'll have to go back in a few weeks for those. We also started some Zyrtec to take at night for allergy type symptoms, not sure if he really has allergies or it's just that season right now in Charleston, but hopefully it helps his runny nose and cough he's been having recently. Ms. Kelly commented on how much he talks and babbles, he was chatting non-stop while we were in the exam room. She was also very impressed with his walking and balance... what a difference from the last well visit we had, he has made such progress in only a few short months. He has developed quite the little personality, and is such a ham. He loves attention whenever he can get it, and he still tries to keep up with his sister in all aspects. It's adorable seeing them together.

In "school" news... he got a letter sent home this past week that after careful consideration, he will be moving up to the first of the toddler rooms next week! He spent a few days there playing with the new kids and playing outside (his all-time favorite!), and his first official day spent there with Ms. Linda will be on Monday. We couldn't be happier for him, he is going to love being with other kids who are walking, running, learning, and being outside!

A happy and sad note to mention during this 12 month update is the fact that we are officially done with bottles. I can't believe it, and it sort of happened without warning and overnight. He had been having trouble with his bottles recently as they are medium flow nipples and the milk wasn't coming out fast enough. Instead of buying fast flow nipples, I just gave him his straw cup that night before bed, and he chugged it happily. The next morning when he got up, Dad-E gave him a cup instead of a bottle and he happily gulped it down. So, just like that, the transition occurred. I am thankful it wasn't a fight or a battle to give up the bottle, but I am sad that just like that, he's no longer a baby. I think the only thing keeping me thinking he's still my "baby" is the diapers. But I mean, if he wants to start going on the big boy potty, I won't be sad... I don't think?

So, let's get to the good stuff:

The Stats:Weight: 21 lbs 6 oz (51st percentile)
Length: 31 1/4 inches (88th percentile)
Head: 18 1/2" inches (88th percentile)
Diaper Size: 3's
Clothing Size: 12 months, some 12-18 months like Old Navy brand, but still some 9 month shirts too
Shoe Size: 4's - 5's
Food: Everything. He would eat non-stop if we let him. He drinks whole milk 3-4 times a day, water in between, full meals and snacks. He loves popsicles, hotdogs, corn, fruit, and stealing his sisters Cheerios (even though he has the exact same kind in his bowl too...)
Naps: One 2 hour nap while at daycare, still 2 sometimes during the day when she's home with us
Sleep: Bed by 6:45-7ish, up by 6ish
Teeth: Only six still... hopefully more to come...!
Sounds: Dada, "uhhh ohh", nanana, and I think he probably can say more, but he thinks it's the funniest thing when I try to have him say "mama" to say "DADA!" back, like it's some kind of joke....!
Play: Being OUTSIDE! Walking everywhere, any and all push toys, especially his new mower, hanging out in the stroller or wagon, being held is still a favorite too, rough-housin' with dad and sister, rolling around on daddy and laying his head on daddy's belly, playing with and trying to be around Alli all the time!
New buddies: Mommy's due date buddy Casey came to the birthday party with her lil man, Hunt, it was the first time they'd hung out since they were only a few weeks old!, Harper, and all his new buddies in classroom 1!

Now, the fun begins. Chasing two crazies all around the house, and seeing his little personality develop more and more. Seeing them interact and grow has already been amazing, I can't wait to see what's to come.

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