Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy Birthday to my (younger!) husband!

Happy Birthday to Dad-E! Okay, I'm a few days late, his actual birthday was this past Sunday, but, I'm just now having time to post. Finally, yet again, he is the same age as me :) He's about 2 and 1/2 months younger than me, and he likes to remind me of it often. It hasn't ever bothered me too much... but I can tell you, when the big 3-0 comes, and I'm 30 for 2 months and he's only 29... that will be another story.

Poor Dad-E has been working overtime, without much pay, and no real benefits for the past few months now, and especially these past few weeks. No, I'm not talking about real work at the 'Baud, I'm talking about being Mr. Mom. This being 8 months pregnant with a crazy, active, wild, always-on-the-go toddler thing is no joke. He has been such a trooper, doing just about everything and anything with Alli to keep her entertained and safe (see his recent "careful Alli!!" post!). I have been so overly tired, so drained from getting up at 4am every day, working, getting her from daycare and keeping her entertained until he gets home a few hours later, making a new dinner once a week (those of you that know me ought to be very proud of this one!!), all while growing another human inside of me. No big deal. Anyway, he has picked up my slack in stride, and his birthday was no different. He woke up with her so I could sleep in (it felt like it was MY birthday! Yeah, he's great!), washed his car and did stuff around the house for his big day. Not to mention, he lost an hour of sleep anyway because of the time change, so the poor guy actually had the shortest birthday of the year!! In my book, he deserves an award or medal or at least a good dinner for all of his efforts. Thank goodness he has a great friend who lives down the street who made him steak for his birthday...!

Anyway, despite the "un-eventfulness" of his birthday, I just wanted to take the time now to express how lucky I am to have him in my life, and have him be the father of Miss Alli and M.......Mystery baby #2 =) I can't wait to see what the future holds for us... maybe another vacation again some day. We really miss those.

That's a hint to all the family reading this... whoever wants to watch a two and a half year old and a one year old next summer, maybe for our 5 year wedding anniversary, we'd appreciate it. We'll book it now if anyone says yes... =)

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