Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lil A is 3 Months Old!

Three months have passed since Aiden joined our family... that's so hard to believe! This month has been a real turn of the corner for us... he has become such a happy baby! Sure, of course, he still has his moments of crying and screaming and not sleeping, but, he's so much better than he once was. He started at Chesterbook Academy with his big sister last week, and the routine and schedule we've got going for him has seemed to start to kick in. Like Dad-E mentioned, he has been sleeping pretty consistently about 6-8 hrs, waking to eat, then sleeping another 4ish hours or so. I'll take that over waking every 2 hours any day. (*Note: writing this down in the blog has probably jinxed us, because I started this post last night, and he woke up every 4 hours.... let's hope it's just a growth spurt!*) Anyway, he's really smiling a lot these days, talking/cooing/babbling/squeaking a lot, and getting a little happier in the carseat. At least he's not screaming bloody murder the entire ride anymore. He's getting a lot better and stronger at holding his head up, and definitely loves the bath. I love seeing his little gummy smile light up his face when I go pick him up from school... and the way his sister gives him kisses and loves on him. I hope she always loves him that much.

The Stats:
Diaper Size: 1's
Clothing Size: 3-6 months
Shoe Size: No shoes yet, just baby socks
Food: All mommy milk, usually about 4-5 oz. every 3 hours or so
Naps: He really doesn't have much of a schedule/routine still... he tends to take one big 2 to 2 & 1/2 hour nap and then several 30-45 minute naps. Hopefully he'll be on a more consistent schedule soon. 
Sleep: Asleep for the night by 7ish, wakes up once through the night to eat, then up for the day around 7ish.
Teeth: None yet :)
Sounds: Lots of cooing, squeaking, babbling... he especially likes to in the car on the way to daycare from what I've heard from Dad-E... so cute.
Play: Loves his bouncy chair we borrowed from a friend, we put the swing back in the attic because neither one of them ever liked it (what a waste of money! haha), he loves his play mat, laying on the boppy for tummy time and trying the bumbo every once in awhile too. He really loves the panda bear hanging toy and will swat at it and smiles and smiles when he sees it.
New buddies: Met all of his new buddies at daycare... all 8 other boys and 1 girl. And, it just so happens that two of the other kids in his class have moms that work at Blackbaud with Dad-E!
We have made it through the tough months, I'd like to think that the truly sleepless nights are behind us, and we're well on our way to having two great sleepers. I can't wait to see how much he learns and grows each and every month... he's already changed and grown so much. We love you little man!!

He really does love his big sis, and I think she loves him too :)

1 comment:

  1. What a doll! I love seeing the bond between Molly and Lucy, it's amazing. I am sure Alli and Aiden will be best buds!
