Thursday, January 20, 2011

Girls, Girls, Girls

I think Motley Crue said it best, "Yankee girls ya just can't be beat." Even though I'm confident I landed myself the best corn-fed midwestern lady there is, I'm really excited for Alli Ru to grow up here in the Lowcountry. In fact, my mom (Grandma Meibs) sent me a picture message of the 6 inches of snow that fell in Ohio (just today, I might add) - so naturally I had to send a photo of my own back. I decided to take a picture of the temperature gauge in the Bimmer that read 53 degrees. Grandma M was a little jealous to say the least.

However, it again reminded me of the main reason we moved down here - to rid ourselves of the 5-month eternal gray and cold that are midwest winters. There are many people in the world who have never been to the beach, swam in the ocean, or built a "snowman" out of sand. Thanks to one fateful visit to Chucktown, Alli will get to experience all that and more. I'm pretty excited to watch her take it all in... knowing all along that they'll cancel school in anticipation of snow.

As faithful followers to this blog will find out through my various posts - I'm currently swimming in the proverbial estrogen ocean around here. I get to share 2,100 sq. ft. with my lovely bride, my beautiful daughter, and our female golden retriever Scarlett. Needless to say, I have the privilege of being in touch with my feminine side more than most other men out there. But I can proudly say that I'm loving (almost) every minute of it. What can I say... I'm in love with those girls, girls, girls...


  1. So once puberty hits, have you picked out a hiding spot to lay low for a week every month? ;} If Squishy is a girl, you & Rob are going to have to enter the relocation program together.

  2. at least Rob will have Wallace to balance it out if Squishy is a girl :) and if Squishy's a boy, then you'll have to escape the testosterone every once in awhile by coming down to visit!!
